2009년 2월 2일 월요일

Journal Question #1

Who infulence me the most ?

When I was a middle school student. I was very a coward. I was often shocked by a trifle

things. My elder sister, Ho advise me that I should learn fencing. And then, she introduce her

friend, Mi to me. Mi was a holder of a rank in fencing in spite of women. Neverthless I didn't

want to learn, I couldn't help learning. She was so strict that I was scared for the first time.

I was trained as a strong man everyday. At that time, I had difficulty in displine. But I did.

After all, I was changed gradually. I was no more a coward.

She was a authentic my mentor. Thank you again for your instructor.

댓글 1개:

  1. I took fencing for one term. It was really fun, but difficult. I'm glad that your sister was able to teach you so much!
